About the OpenEDG C++ Institute

The C++ Institute is a nonprofit initiative run by the Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG) that was created to advance the C/C++ programming languages, offer a global framework for C/C++ examinations, and foster, advance, and support professional careers in C/C++ programming and related technologies.

Our goal is to advance professional careers in C/C++ programming and related technologies while also promoting the C/C++ programming languages and offering a global framework for C/C++ examinations.

The C++ Institute brings together a committed community of IT professionals, programming specialists, programming enthusiasts, education establishments, training organizations, companies and volunteers who strive for quality development, assessment excellence and the popularization of programming in the C and C++ languages.

The C++ Institute is recognized as the world’s leading organization offering a high-stakes C/C++ certification programme, allowing candidates to test at thousands of accessible and secure testing centres worldwide.

C++ Institute Courses


The C++ Essentials ‒ Part 1 (Intermediate) course is fully aligned with the CPE ‒ C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer certification and is the first in a 2-course series that prepares for CPA ‒ C++ Certified Associate Programmer certification.

The C++ Essentials ‒ Part 2 (Intermediate) course is aligned with the CPA ‒ C++ Certified Associate Programmer certification. The Part 1 and Part 2 provide a full-spectrum preparation for the CPA exam.

CPE ‒ C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like compilation, variables, data types, typecasting, operators, conditional execution, loops, arrays, pointers, structures, and the runtime environment.

CPA – C++ Certified Associate Programmer certification is a professional credential that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the C++ programming language, as well as fundamental programming techniques, customs and vocabulary, including the most common library functions, the usage of the preprocessor, and the object-oriented approach.

More information: 

CPE ‒ C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer

CPA – C++ Certified Associate ProgrammerÂ